
I have worked with excellent strength & conditioning coaches treating athletes, but never one specializing so well in rock climbing. I am thrilled with Tyler’s work in developing objective strength assessments. Tyler’s clinical practitioner background helps to bridge strength & conditioning with rehab. Tyler’s course has added to my clinical practice.

-Nina Tappin, Physiotherapist, RPT, BSCPT, ACPSEM

Upcoming Live Courses

Oct. 19-20, 2024, Montreal: Strength and Conditioning Principles by Tyler Nelson DC, MS, CSCS


Coach’s Certification Courses

Recorded Courses

Remote Consultations with Dr. Nelson

Self-Guided Training


If you are a health care provider treating climbers, taking Tyler’s courses are a must. Learning how to modify their program while recovering is vital. This will ensure your athletes have the quickest return to the sport.
I started working with Tyler to rehab an injured pulley that just wasn’t getting better. I’ve rehabbed multiple pulley injuries on my own in the past, but this one just wasn’t improving.

Meeting with Tyler to discuss the anatomy, training and rehab protocols and how to load the injured finger set me on the right path. His 8 (really more like 12) week personalized plan got me feeling strong, confident, empowered, and ready to get back to climbing hard.

Collin’s expertise, training plan, communication, support, and psych has helped me to feel the strongest I ever have in my climbing.

I worked briefly with a big name climbing coach in the past, but Collin has exceeded my expectations for what good coaching looks like. His communication and knowledge has been tremendously helpful.

I often nerd out on climbing training stuff, but have found myself injured from not knowing how to program it all on my own. Working with Collin to find the proper dosage and programming has helped a ton and I have learned so much! C4HP is the way!
— devin, camp4 client