The Client Experience:

Hear what it was like to work with Camp4 in their own words.


“…Even stronger than I was before injury.”

“I’ve worked with Tyler for almost two years now - treating my shoulder, finger tweaks, and most recently a fully ruptured pulley.

Our remote consultations feel just as thorough if not more educational than any PT I've seen before and I always leave feeling truly confident in my path forward.

The amount of information and programming you receive, as well as consistent support and input when any concerns arise, even personalizing your rehab for travel, makes me feel like Tyler is vastly underselling himself.

Tyler's rehab programs blend into strength training in a way that has made me come back even stronger than I was before injury - every single time.

I no longer wait to schedule an appointment because I know my future in climbing and trying hard is worth the investment to work with such a good guy.”

-​Emma Myers


“I’ve noticed a lot of gains, from sending my first board V8...”

“I’ve worked with Tyler over the past 6 months, from rehabbing an injured pulley to now strength training and coaching.

I’m super appreciative of the level of education I get in our calls and support in between calls when I have questions around programmed training.

I’ve noticed a lot gains during my time working with Tyler, from sending my first board V8 to putting up multiple new lifting PRs, but what I value most is the lessons I’ve learned in volume management and balancing my training with everyday life.”

-Noah Firth

“I was able to continue climbing throughout my injury...”

"Working with Tyler has helped me understand my body better and empowered me to take full responsibility for my own results.

I first reached out to him in 2022 when I was experiencing acute elbow tendonitis. With the help of his education and strength training plans, I was able to continue climbing throughout my injury, adjusting volume + intensity, and return stronger than I was.

2024 has been my best year of climbing yet. Rehab can't be outsourced to someone else, we all must take responsibility for the information our bodies are telling, and take action.

Having Tyler help me form an action plan was invaluable."

-Sevve Stember, Climber, Rock Warriors Way Coach

“I have already noticed big improvements within a couple months...”

“Tyler has been an excellent source of training and general body knowledge for myself and the climbing community as a whole. I have been climbing for around 7 years and started following and adhering to Tyler’s principles for probably 4-5 years. He helped my training and climbing progress just through his free instructional content, and I am now very excited to be training as one of his clients.

I had honestly forgotten how healthy my fingers should feel while climbing, and I have already noticed big improvements within a couple months. I really enjoy the analytical, objective approach to training/rehab, and I am psyched to see how my climbing develops from here.”

-Taven Thomas

“Leaps in my finger strength and my peak climbing performance...”

“I have been working with Tyler for about 3+ years now. He makes a great coach for me, because he listens to what I feel I need to improve, adapts my training to any tweaks or injuries I may experience, and customizes my training to have me peak during my trips. He is very responsive and open to my ideas as well! I have made leaps in my finger strength and my peak climbing performance since beginning training with him.” 

-Jessica Jenkins, Climbing Coach

“I’m able to train harder than ever and be as strong as ever at age 40.”

“I was so happy and proud to send Macho King (7C+) on my 40th birthday during my recent trip to Rocklands. It was one of my proudest boulder sends - a tall, proud, steep, aesthetic climb with sick moves! Even though I’ve been climbing for over 26 years, and training in some capacity for almost all of that time, I’m still able to train harder than ever and be as strong as ever at age 40. Tyler has been instrumental in evolving my strength training and helping me work through my injuries over the last six years that I’ve worked with him. I’ve learned a ton from Tyler both through his free content and his educational courses, and I feel comfortable writing my own training programming, but Tyler’s programming is a great value and I usually find myself using him to define a program for me. Not to mention that I turn to Tyler right away any time I have an injury or niggle to get imaging or help with ideas to modify my training. Thanks Tyler!”

-Elizabeth Hardwick

“I finally sent my first V10 outside despite not having sent V8 or V9.”

“About 5 years ago, I was losing psych on climbing and ready to pick a different sport. I trained super hard, but every time I tried to push my skills to the next level, I got a finger injury.

At some point, I stumbled upon this random Insta account with blood flow restriction training, confusing words like yielding isometrics, and metal music in the background. I had no clue what was going on, but I wanted to learn more because I saw pro climbers working with Tyler and rehabbing finger injuries fast - and I mean, seemingly too good to be true fast.

As fortune would have it, Tyler was coming to my Boston gym to give a seminar and I signed up. That day, I blew my pulley (again) doing some finger strength testing in front of a group of coaches and PTs. I felt totally dejected, ready to quit climbing once and for all.

That was my first day with Tyler as my coach. One month later, I was climbing stronger than I ever had and the finger felt mostly fine. One year later, I finally sent my first V10 outside despite not having sent V8 or V9. While grades mean very little, it was obvious that I had broken past what I thought my limits were.

Tyler gives people the “no-BS” knowledge to train smarter and push what they’re capable of. I was never an athletic individual in my early years, and I still get injured (less often and less badly though). But now, I’m armed with the tools and support to come back fast, keep loving this sport, and try to get better!”

-Daniel Shaar

“I'm back in love with climbing!”

It's been about a year since Tyler became my climbing coach—our unofficial coaching anniversary, lol. I never thought I'd stick with it for this long, but here we are.

So, what have I learned from Tyler?
Strength training that syncs with climbing, yes, but also perspective. Tyler's calm coaching—even through setbacks—has been a game-changer. His support has also helped me stress less about missed sessions and embrace flexibility. (I mean mental flexibility, but oddly enough, my physical flexibility has improved too.)

I've learned the value of rest, good nutrition, and of course, never forget the sauna (greetings from sauna-loving Finland). It's all part of a balanced approach to training.

Tyler taught me how the mind and stress affect pain. Of course, strength training matters: my decade-long shoulder pain, finger pain, and wrist pain? All gone.

This has been the first year in my 7-8-year climbing journey (apart from long breaks when I had chronic injuries) that has been consistent and clearly progressive. I wish I had found him earlier. He knows his stuff and he's got a sense of humor.

I'm back in love with climbing! It's so rewarding to overcome challenges and climb problems that I never thought I could. The most important lesson I've learned is to stay consistent with my training, but also listen to my body and understand the other aspects of my life that cause stress.


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